Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Hunt

Today's Scavenger Hunt was a real adventure. That was the first time for me and now I understand why all my friends like it so much.
The questions were interesting and tricky.
Even though my team didn't win, we were the best.
Marc surprised me being a fast runner. I presume all people from that Haiti-Jamaica region are like that (starting with Usain Bolt))).
Rio has got excellent orientation skills. He could tell right direction without map or compass. Still an astonishing fact - how could he get lost?)
Ana has got great handwriting and she also knows Roman numbers.
Maria was good at speeding us up.
And big thanks to Shea who made lots of wonderful pictures and Tejan who helped us with English.
And thanks to everybody! I'm glad we were determined enough to "hunt" despite the rain.


  1. My candle burns at both ends
    It will not last the night;
    But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
    It gives a lovely light.

    Edna St. Vincent Millay, "A Few Figs from Thistles", 1920
    US poet (1892 - 1950)

  2. this adventure was so exciting to me. It improved my skills of reading the map and working in a group. Thanks everyone for this opportunity.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Come on Elena, I never got lost. You guys always lose me. I can always find my way back to St. Johns when you lose me. And maybe I can find my way to your heart :D

  5. We really had a good time. I will not continue on Rio's personal endeavors... I will only stress that this activity that started under the fancy attitude of mother nature turned out to be on of the most exiting ones of last week. That proves how brilliant interesting it can be. I think it is a brilliant and quick way for foreigners to get to know a city both directions and the history. We should take the initiative and design similar games for our home cities.
    Let me finish with a special thank you to Elena for her post and her kind attention about Speedy Gonzalez Marc Alain.
