Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Starting the longest "field trip"

We finally are here!. I waited for this moment with so much enthusiasm and also little of fear, now is a reality.

Leaving Peru wasn´t easy, it happens to all of us with our own countries. Only one week ago I celebrate my 30 birthday and my family made a surprise party! It was an incredible time, I danced all the night (the best gift for me!) and most important, it gave me the opportunity to say good bye to half part of my relatives and friends in person.

Because of my work, I travel to the field in the tropical forest frequently, sometimes for months. The longest time was 4 month in the virgin jungle… loved it, believe me when I say that it was paradise. In the party and after with my family I told them they need to think in my departure as one of my field trips, but a little bit farther and longer...just a little.

I have to say that I was really afraid of how would be the first days here. I am grateful that people in the course is so gentle, students and all the organization team. Even people in the streets are nice and helpful, I could notice that the first day when I was almost starting to make circles to the university block looking for the door, and a girl that passed close to me realized my disorientation and helped me to find the "hidden" door.

Although I have not a roommate yet (she is coming I guess!), I don´t feel alone. Technology is helping me so much and to meet the group of students, despite that I haven´t talk to all of us, it gives me a sensation of being part of a group that can became in great friendship. I´m learning not only English but also about life. I am really surprised that most of the students have husband or wife and children, I really appreciate their courage to be where they are. Also, I am glad to shared the experience with people that is seeing in US a culture totally different to theirs, and like these many other experience. I really feel I have learned so much, in only 3 days.

Lets enjoy the experience!


  1. Happy birthday to you! Farah, I want to know more about what you did in your country. I am a mountain lover but cannot imagine how your paradise is!

  2. Thank you! I would liked to include pictures in the post but I haven´t discovered how to do it yet. I can show you some pictures and tell you some histories about "paradise" whenever you want! so you will be prepared when you go visit Machu Picchu. Will be my pleasure.
