Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mix of feelings

It took me a time to write.
I still can´t organize very well all my feelings.
A trip is always an adventure for me, even if the trip is a pair of hours from my city (Santiago, Chile), even if the trip is only for a couple of days.
I think the life is being traveling, constantly for many years. But there is some travels inside the big traveling, and studying in the USA is at this point mi biggest trip.

Maybe everything is a travel for me, because is the way I found to feel stimuli.
Well, in this travel, that started on Sunday, my first feeling was a huge happiness. Being in New York walking all the day was really exciting (I went to High Line Park, China Town, Soho, Hudson River Park, and I finished my day with State Island Ferry). However, Sunday was normal tourism day.

On Monday couldn't take away a different feeling. At lunch time, I was with two of us that they are far of their families. One of them will meet his wife and children in 2 months, his family is coming to USA. For the other, his Family will stay on his country, because it is difficult to get a Visa for relatives.
After lunch, I couldn't stop of thinking.
The last week in Chile I was very sad because of nieces and nephews. I love them, they are "my" childrens, but they aren't my sons and daughters. And I am in the same continent, Chile is America too ("America is a continent, not a country" as we say). Because I am in the same continent, it will be easyer for me to receive visits or maybe to go once to Chile during this 2 years.
Then I realized that there are more cases of parents far away of their childrens in our group. I want to say, that I admire all of you that have a direct family (husband, wife, children) in your countries and you will be separate for some time. This is an effort, you are really brave, and it shows me that you will reach every aim what you want. I think, I am not as brave as all of you.
At the end of the day I had received so many stimuli, that I wrote on my facebook, thanks Fulbright for giving me this opportunity of meeting people with a lot of courage for leaving their cultures and their lifes. I am grateful of meeting people from countries that probably I will never visit.
For all of you in this course, thanks a lot, because you are giving me an special experience, I am learning a lot with you, and I know, after these 3 weeks, I will be fatter. But not because of hamburguers and junky food, but because I will go full of experiences, I will get more open-minded thoughts , and I really love it.

Thanks everybody

1 comment:

  1. FIRST, Thank you for educating on the right way to use America as noun :) Mega love it!

    SECOND, You can always come visit me, "...deep in the heart of Texas!" haha and you better have two spare air mattresses for me and Ana Z because we are crashing at your place next year!! :-p
