Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"I can write the saddest lines tonight..."

I love literature. I can easily lose myself among the pages of a book and I read pretty much about everything: poetry, novels, biographies, comics, magazines, you name it. The title of my contribution to the blog tonight has to do with poetry. For those familiar with Latin American literature, the line "I can write the saddest lines tonight" is from the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda's 20 Love Poems and A Song of Despair.

Now, you might be thinking I am heartbroken, hence the title. Plain and simple, I miss home. My actual home with my parents, my two brothers, my dog Lola, and our goose, Ganso. I do not miss Panamanian food just yet, I think I eat more from McDonald's, Subway, KFC, Pizza Hut, and other chain restaurants than I eat at home so there is nearly no big difference right now. But I do miss what home smells like, Ganso making annoying noises every morning, hearing the parakeets fly by every afternoon, playing video games with my little brother (although we always fought about who would use the main controller and who got to choose the game); wait a minute, I do miss grandma coming over on Sunday with yummy food. Do not judge me!

I love this blogging thing. It makes sharing so much easier. I have not had time to read all recent posts but I am sure some of you might have blogged about homesickness. I do not blame you. It is not my first time in the U.S; however, it is the first time I feel like this in such short amount of time. I talked to Marilena (the lady who presented on Sexual Harassment and Feelings & Emotions) about it and she suggested that I work on two little projects. Perhaps her ideas may interest you. Marilena suggested that I start a scrapbook for my family about all my little adventures here. Also, she advised me to pick five places in NYC that I have never been to and visit them before it is time to move to Texas. So here I am... about to start brainstorming side-by-side with Google. But that would make another blog entry :)

For now, buenas noches! (Good night!)


  1. Don't be sad Jiniva. I also have those kind of feeling. I feel like I want to just go home and end this quickly. Maybe we can support each other and let's go to somewhere we've never been before. I want to visit American Museum of Natural History. I want to see the dinosaurs' bones.

    1. Let's do it! That's the one place I have always wanted to visit!
      Thank you for your kind words, Rio.

  2. "Silencioso y muerto de hambre, rondo a traves de las calles.
    El pan no me alimenta, amanecer me interrumpe..."(P. Neruda).

    Today is a special, Neruda's-poems-wise day for me as well. This day I used to spend with my friends because it is my birthday! We would party together and do all fun things that friends usually do.
    Some people feel bad on their birthdays as they think of another year passing away, one of them is me. But do we have time to indulge in sadness? No. Life is a way too short and there are so many great things to learn. There are so many books and poems unread, so many people unloved...

    You see, I do not want to feel miserable today, I want to be strong and self-sufficient.

    "Las olas dicen a la costa firme:
    Todo sera cumplido." (Neruda)

    1. Happy Belated Birthday my dear <|:o) I had no idea!
      Thumbs up for liking/enjoying Neruda. He is from Chile, like our classmate Magdalena.

    2. Girls, why do you know Pablo Neruda???!!!!
      I love his poetry.
      And if someday you go to Chile, you have to visit his houses, there are 3 different houses, and every one is amazing and so different!
      I could be your guide

