Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fruitful Weekend

From community services to the home visit, from Queens back to Queens again, the last weekend was very fruitful (and, was physically demanding as well). Since for the previous two weeks our activities were much focused in Manhattan, the trip to Queens opened much broader perspective of New York City. The sprawling landscape of Queens, as opposed to the dense and hustle-bustle Manhattan, allowed me to grasp the air more.

The community services that were conducted in the Queens Botanical Garden was perfect to feel the natural ambience again. We delved into the soil, weeded out the 'parasite' grass, and created the beautiful circle around the trees. At the end, I thought we were surprised by the results of our work.

Following the community services program, on Sunday I went to Queens again with Gerry, Qadeer, Servio, Chenda, and Veronica. We visited the beautiful house of Schulman family. The house is located at the amazing neighborhood setting with arrays of trees adjacent to the spacious row of houses. At the backyard of Mr./Mrs. Schulman's house, we had a dinner, played volleyball, and discussed anything that crossed in our minds. It was really a lovely moment.

Below, a short video about the community services in the Queens Botanical Garden.
(P.S.: I would like to apologize if the video did not capture each of us, peace!)

Queens Botanical Garden from Alyas Widita on Vimeo.


  1. What a great video, Abi! What song was in the background?

  2. Thank you very much, Elaine. It was Tom Waits - "All the World is Green". My iTunes playlist is full of his songs, especially to accompany me on the road.

  3. Hei Abi, how come you got time to edit the video? This video is amazing. Please make more videos
